Wednesday 30 November 2011



Link Building is the process of creating External links from quality websites to ones own website for improving search engine ranking. Link building is considered to be important step in page Ranking.There are few types of linking one of which is reciprocal links.It is exchanging or agreement of two websites to show each other's links in their websites,thereby attracting mutual traffic .

Why Major Metric??

Today link popularity is considered as major metric of page ranking for many search engines(Google,Bing).Link poularity is the number of websites linking to the particular website.More the number of links ,more is the link poularity. The Link Popularity helps in getting good ranking in search engines.So thereby huge number of traffic is generated through reciprocal links by which the site gains more Exposure in search engines.Therefore the website gets indexed many times through which website gets high rank and appears in first few Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).High quality incoming links generates awareness,visibility and credibility of your websit which atrracts more traffic.

So Consider this and start link building for your site today and see your website in Top searches.!!

A.Getting link relevant sites: - In, we don’t use to get back links from inappropriate website that does not prove to get valued top ranking. We always get link back from related website that improves your web visibility.

B. Creating links from cached pages only: -It is important to get links from cached pages only as search engines should see your site when they crawl the pages. We only build links from cached pages that might got cached within 1- months to provide you the maximum benefit. Non- cached pages are not crawled by search engines and your site cannot be benefitted of having the link.

C. Creating links from different website owners: -We assure you to create links from separate website owners only as search engines may reduce the links coming from same owner.

D. Ranking of the page: -You should not deny the necessity of page ranking if you want your site to be positioned among top ten in the search engine. Though it is the first priority to have a good content, but you should have the well built page rank page as it can provide you advantageous back links from fairly relative pr pages. We concentrate on page rank when we are building the links.

E. Use of Proper anchor text: - We use the exact anchor text in the links that we create. If you want to get profit and a higher rank from the links then you should use the targeted keywords that are treated as anchor texts. .

F. Originating links from different class C ips: -If your links are created from same network having same ip, then you cannot get benefit out of it. It is necessary to crate all the links from separate class c ip that we will provide you to get profit out of this


Sunday 20 November 2011

Ranking Factors in SEO


Positive Rank Factors:

  1. Anchor text from External links.
  2. External link popularity.
  3. Diversity of link sources(root domain).
  4. Keyword use anywhere in the Title Tag.
  5. Trustworthiness of Domain based on Link distance from Trusted domains.(TrustRank,moztrust)

Negative Ranking:

  1. Cloaking with manipulative/intent.
  2. Link acquisition.
  3. Link from page which leads to web spam.
  4. Cloaking by user agent.
  5. Server downtime and site inaccesbility.


Internal links:
                         An internal link is a hyperlink that is a reference or navigation element in a document to another section of the same document or to another document that may be part of the same website or the other.

How internal links are important in SEO perspective??
  • Ensures that all pages in the website gets crawled by spider (XML).
  • Increases the page rank of internal webpages(off-page),there by increasing the visibility of website in search engine.

External links:
                        External links otherwise called as Inbound links/Back links are the links which point to the External domains.If the link is from authorised websites or domains the posibility of increasing the page rank.So Exernal links are one the most important positive ranking factor in SEO.              




Sunday 13 November 2011

Overview of Web Analytics

             Web analytics is a developing field that has emerged to meet the needs of population in this online world. As many of the companies invest financial and staff resources into the development of websites, analysis is required to determine the occuring traffic,cost/benefits, usage of the website perspective, and effectiveness of the tools.

             The web analyst is responsible for reviewing the procedures in order to determine where the traffic is concentrating in a particular website and what are the functions that are performed. Many website databases and applications have audit trails to track user activity on the site. The responsibility of the web analyst is to review the system-generated reports. They are responsible for providing  a comprehensive  and accurate reports to senior management on costs, activity,demographics of the visits of a visitor to that website. This is a critical and the most important function for effective decision making for both the website and the overall business. After the reports are generated optimization is carried out to improvise the website and to attract more traffic. So Analytics part is very important in order to raise one’s business.