Internet Marketing

                                                                   Internet marketing or Internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept.These technologies include the Internet media and other digital media such as wireless mobile media, cable and satellite.Also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing, is referred to as the marketing  of products or services through  Internet.


                Internet marketing is inexpensive to the reach of the target audience. Companies can reach a wide range of audience for a small fraction of  budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and to purchase products and services conveniently. Therefore, businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that can bring results quickly.
                 Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and inexpensively; almost all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced, measured, and tested, in many cases through the use of an ad server. The advertisers can use a variety of methods, such as pay per impression, pay per click, pay per play, and pay per action. The final results,like till what audience are reaching, what they are doing can be measured and tracked immediately because online marketing initiatives usually require users to click on an advertisement, to visit a website, and to perform a targeted action.

Types of Internet Marketing

  • Display advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Interactive advertising
  • Cloud marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Ad Networks
  • Desktop Apps
  • Video advertising

Display advertising

                  Display advertising is graphical advertising on the World Wide Web that appears to left or right sides to content on web pages, IM applications, email, etc. These advertisements, often called  as banners, placed in standardized ad sizes, and can include text, logos, pictures, or more recently, rich media.
              Rich media, synonymous for interactive multimedia, is enhanced media that utilizes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content for active participation from the recipient of the advertisement.
You may picture display advertising like magazine or newspaper ads, just online and - like TV commercials - with the possibility of moving from static to interactive, flash and video. However, display advertising has a significant advantage over advertising in magazines, newspapers and TVs:
  1. Targeting options such as demographic and behavioral targeting are available to laser in on your audience and,
  2. You can track the performance of your campaign daily to measure metrics such as impressions, clicks and conversions to calculate your ROI.


Email marketing

     Email marketing is the use of email in marketing communications. Email usage being common among all ages of people, so advertising through email is also one of the marketing techniques used to meet the growing needs. Email marketing is so popular because: sending email is much cheaper than most other forms of communication. email lets you deliver your message to the people (unlike a website, where the people have to come to your message).
        In its broadest sense, the term covers every email you ever send to a customer, potential customer or public venue. In general, though, it's used to refer to:
§  Sending direct promotional emails to try and acquire new customers or persuade existing customers to buy again
§  Sending emails designed to encourage customer loyalty and enhance the customer relationship
§  Placing your marketing messages or advertisements in emails sent by other people
1. Direct email
              Direct email involves sending a promotional message in the form of an email. It might be an announcement of a special offer, for example. Just as you might have a list of customer or prospect postal addresses to send your promotions too, so you can collect a list of customer or prospect email addresses. You can also rent lists of Email addresses from service companies.
2. Retention email
                 Instead of promotional email designed only to encourage the recipient to take action (buy something, sign-up for something, etc.), you might send out retention emails.
These usually take the form of regular emails known as newsletters. A newsletter may carry promotional messages or advertisements, but will aim at developing a long-term impact on the readers. It should provide the readers with value, which means more than just sales messages. It should contain information which informs, entertains or otherwise benefits the readers.
3. Advertising in other people's emails
       Instead of producing your own newsletter, you can find newsletters published by others and pay them to put your advertisement in the emails they send their subscribers. Indeed, there are many email newsletters that are created for just this purpose - to sell advertising space to others.

Interactive advertising:

       Interactive advertisement is marketing a product by interaction between buyer and seller.The idea behind this kind of advertising is because the advertisement should withstand the competition of the similar products and intrigue the buyer with further details of product.This benefits both company and the customer.


            Onset of Interactive marketing led the local companies to compete with multinationals.With low budget advertisers were able to attract more traffic.
            This strategy helped the marketers determine which ad was more appealing and how to attract more consumers by using this tool to their can receive an immediate response from the consumer by way of testimonials, blogs and even by playing games on their websites. These online reviews helped many companies attract their consumers.
                  Therefore,Interactive Marketing has given huge choices for creativity and has put the company on a global platform where people from all over the world can access the company's' products or services.

Social media marketing

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is defined as an engagement with online communities to generate exposure, opportunity and sales. Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, Blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Bebo, Orkut and YouTube etc.

     In the context of Online marketing, social media refers to a collective group of web properties whose content is primarily published by users, not direct employees of the property.
                (e.g. most of the videos on YouTube are published by non-YouTube employees). And, Social Media Marketing refers to the process of promoting your web presence using various social media channels. Some of the key reasons related to Sales & Marketing for which businesses are currently using Social Media Marketing.
Ø   Online Visibility & Branding
Ø   Online Lead Generation
Ø   Online Sales

Ad Networks

                   An online advertising network or ad network is a company that connects advertisers to web sites that want to host advertisements. The key function of an ad network is aggregation of ad space supply from publishers and matching it with advertiser demand.
There are 3 main types of online advertising networks:
  • Vertical Networks: They represent the publications in their portfolio, with full transparency for the advertiser about where their ads will run.They typically promote high quality traffic at market prices and are heavily used by brand marketers. The economic model is generally revenue share. Vertical Networks offer ROS (Run-Of-Site) advertising across specific Channels (example: Auto or Travel) or they offer site-wide advertising options, in which case they operate in a similar fashion to Publisher Representation firms.
  • Blind Networks: These companies offer good pricing to direct marketers in exchange for those marketers relinquishing control over where their ads will run, though some networks offer a "site opt out" method. The network usually runs campaigns as RON or Run-Of-Network. Blind networks achieve their low pricing through large bulk buys of typically remnant inventory combined with conversion optimization and ad targeting technology.
  • Targeted Networks: Sometimes called “next generation” or “2.0” ad networks, these focus on specific targeting technologies such as behavioral or contextual, that have been built into an Ad server. Targeted networks specialize in using consumer clickstream data to enhance the value of the inventory they purchase.Further specialized targeted networks include social graph technologies which attempt to enhance the value of inventory using connections in social networks.
There are two types of advertising networks: first-tier and second-tier networks. First-tier advertising networks have a large number of their own advertisers and publishers, they have high quality traffic, and they serve ads and traffic to second-tier networks. Examples of first-tier networks include the major search engines. Second-tier advertising networks may have some of their own advertisers and publishers, but their main source of revenue comes from syndicating ads from other advertising networks.

Video advertising

                            Video advertising is one of the fastest-growing opportunities online today, as well as one of the most promising
online advertising formats. The emotional draw of the television experience, consumers’ adoption of broadband, and subsequent change in Internet content, capabilities, and consumption all contribute to driving this growth. video advertising was born almost a decade ago after several seminal events, but many agree it was
the sale of Mark Cuban’s and Todd Wagner’s to Yahoo in 1998 for the sum of $5.7 billion that put digital video on the map.


  •  In-Stream Video :A video ad experiences either viewed within or around video content
  • In-Banner Video: A video ad experience displayed or triggered within a display banner like an IAB Universal Ad Package (UAP) size like a 300 X 250 or a 768 X90.
  • In-Text Video: A relevant video ad experience displayed only when a user chooses to mouse-over, a highlighted word or phrase within the text of web content..


ANISHA said...

Good content! creative work....

sheela kumar said...

nice post....really usefull

MeoW said...

Finally you did it
Congratulations yaar.............

nandhini said...

Good and attractive post :) keep goin:)